Day 9: (Wed Sep 27, Week 5) Children’s School: Observation Visit

Notes for 2023-09-27.


  1. Current assignment, due Mon Oct 2: Children’s School Classroom Observation Session. Please bring your notes on paper to class.

  2. Current assignment, due Wed Oct 4: Exercise: Marble Lift. Please see Assignment 5 Posts: Marble Lift for submission links.


  • Please note: today we will be visiting the Children’s School for the entire class period. Please meet at the south lobby of Margaret Morrison, one floor down from the rotunda entrance. Please be prompt, we will enter the MMC-17 secure school area precisely at 10:00AM

  • Please also dress for outdoors; it turns out we’ll be observing on the playground for a good portion of the time.

  • Please note the school is a secure area. We’ll need to be escorted through the doors and wear name tags. If for some reason you need to leave during class, please check in with the main office so you do not trigger any alarms.


  • I will have printouts of the observation form for you and the school will loan us clipboards and provide name tags.

  • We probably won’t have any substantial opportunity for discussion today, so please hang onto your notes and we’ll go over them in detail on Monday.

  • If you have any problems with the current assignment, please don’t hesitate to email me.