3.2. Day 2: Personal Talks

Notes for 2015-09-02. See also Fall 2015 Calendar and Log Book.

3.2.1. Notes from Day 1

  • We skipped the warm-up exercise, but we will come back to that.
  • I intended us to start with “G-Code Stepper Motor Motion”, but some people started the one after named “Arduino Stepper Motor Motion”.
  • Nearly everybody got through the hurdles to get a motor moving.
  • Using the Arduino IDE as a serial terminal with grbl: set the baud to 115200, set the line ending to ‘Carriage Return’ or ‘Newline’.

3.2.2. Agenda

  1. Administrative
    • Fire safety sign-ups (for the laser cutter).
    • Individual research presentation sign-ups.
  2. Assignments
    • Today: personal project talks (about an hour).
  3. Exercises
    • Talks should take about an hour.
    • Warm-up exercise: Puppet Game (20 minutes).
    • Continue/finish “Exercise: G-Code Stepper Motor Motion”.