Double Pendulum Numerical Models

The rcp.doublependulum module contains several classes to support numerical simulation and control of a double pendulum system. Graphical rendering is handled separately in rcp.QtDoublePendulum.


class rcp.doublependulum.DoublePendulumController[source]

Prototype for a double-pendulum controller. This class is typically subclassed to customize the control strategy and the subclass passed into the common application framework.

  • initial_state – four-element numpy array used to initialize the simulator state: [q1, q2, qd1, qd2]

  • kp – two-element numpy array with default proportional position gains

  • ki – two-element numpy array with default integral gains

  • kd – two-element numpy array with default velocity damping gain

  • identity – zero-based serial number identifying the instance in the case of multiple simulations


Hook for applying parameters saved in a configuration file. The default implementation does nothing.


config – configparser object (which implements the mapping protocol)

compute_control(t, dt, state, tau)[source]

Method called from numerical pendulum simulation to calculate the next step of applied torques. This is usually overridden in a subclass, but the default implementation applies a fixed-target PD position control.

  • t – time in seconds since simulation began

  • state – four element ndarray of joint positions q and joint velocities qd as [q1, q2, qd1, qd2], expressed in radians and radians/sec

  • tau – two element ndarray to fill in with joint torques to apply


Attach a console object to be used for debugging output. The object needs to implement write().


Hook for saving parameters in a configuration file. The default implementation does nothing.


config – configparser object (which implements the mapping protocol)


Set the specific identification number for this controller out of multiples.


Set the ‘world’ object which can answer global information queries. This is a deliberately abstract interface between sub-classes and the application framework.


Hook for final one-time object configuration. This is called once prior to the start of the simulation. The default implementation does nothing.

user_parameter_change(parameter, value)[source]

Hook for interactive parameter changes (e.g. GUI sliders). The default implementation does nothing.

  • parameter – integer index of parameter, starting with zero

  • value – dimensionless parameter value, ranges from zero to one inclusive.


Write a message to the debugging console. If console is not available, writes to the log as an info message.

class rcp.doublependulum.DoublePendulumSimulator[source]

Numerical dynamic simulation of a frictionless double pendulum. It communicates with a user-supplied control object to compute applied joint torques.

  • t – simulated time in seconds

  • state – four-element vector of dynamic state [q1 q2 qd1 qd2] (position and velocity)

  • origin – two-element vector locating the pendulum base in world coordinates


Attach a controller object used to compute joint torques and set the initial state.


Calculate the accelerations for a rigid body double-pendulum dynamics model.


system derivative vector as a numpy ndarray


Compute two inverse kinematics solutions for a target end position. The target is a Cartesian position vector (two-element ndarray) in world coordinates, and the result vectors are joint angles as ndarrays [q0, q1]. If the target is out of reach, returns the closest pose.


Compute the forward kinematics. Returns the world-coordinate Cartesian position of the elbow and endpoint for a given joint angle vector.

param q

two-element list or ndarray with [q1, q2] joint angles


tuple (elbow, end) of two-element ndarrays with [x,y] locations


Reset or initialize all simulator state variables.


Set the default dynamics coefficients defining the rigid-body model physics.


Run the simulation for an interval.


delta_t – length of interval in simulated time seconds