Day 11: (Tue Oct 6, Week 6) Focusing

Notes for 2020-10-06.

Notes from Day 10

I’m sorry for the Canvas mix-up, I have uploads enabled now.

Progress was slower than I hoped this week, let’s discuss this.

New Assignments

  1. New assignment, due in about a week: bring Exercise: Project Simulation to some conclusion.

Daily Agenda

  1. Administrative

    1. We need to resolve the projects this week to about three concrete ideas.

  2. Discussion:

    1. In brief, what is your proposed project as you envision it today?

    2. What is the most critical unknown aspect of behavior, interaction or aesthetics?

    3. What is the most critical unknown technical requirement?

    4. Can either be tested in simulation?

  3. What specific advice or assistance will be needed?

Video of the Day