Day 25: (Tue Nov 30, Week 14) No Class

Notes for 2021-11-30.

I am unavailable during class time today so we will not have a formal meeting. But I recommend using the time for final revisions, documentation, and critique preparation.

We will have two guests on Thursday for the final review. Given the fast pace, I am primarily expecting presentations centered on documentation, but it would be lovely if a couple of machines could be shown live.

Each project will have ten minutes total, so please prepare about five minutes of concise presentation of the final concept and results, then be prepared to ask and answer questions. I can have an IDeATe laptop available as backup, but you are welcome to use your own. Let’s please keep the A/V changeovers rapid, the lectern has an HDMI cable with several adapters handy.

If your machine was not working at the Nov 19 show or you did not obtain sufficient documentation, please finalize your revisions and record quality video of the outcome.

When you are satisfied you have complete and final documentation, I’ll need you to disassemble your machine by Monday, Dec 6 to return purchased and loaned components. I have cleared cubby space for small items (motors, driver boards, power supplies, bearings, etc.). For larger items such as the briefcases, please stack them on the front desk with a label.

I look forward to seeing your final review on Thursday.