Please note: this site is from a previous course iteration and is no longer updated.
This collaborative course brings art and engineering together into making performance machines which are surprisingly animate. It explores interdisciplinary practice at the intersection of drama, music, and robotics. Students develop group projects culminating in a public performance. Within this process the top-level objective is a reflection on the nature and process of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Fall 2021 News¶
For Fall 2021, the course will be held in-person in the IDeATe Physical Computing Lab, Hunt A10, on the library lower level. We may also make use of Hunt A5 as a project space. No doubt there will still be some pandemic accommodations, but the plan is that we will meet in person and make use of the IDeATe fabrication facilities. The current status of IDeATe facilities can be found on the IDeATe Covid-19 page.
The curriculum for this course constantly evolves, and for Fall 2021 we will work on the theme of the Flea circus: small, portable machine performances built within a standard briefcase. Within this form we’ll explore the key principles of this course: an exploration of embodied behavior as a creative medium, collaborative development of systems for storytelling and human interaction, and a final show or performance.
For reference: Search Page and Index
Course Blog¶
The RCP project site presents the course project progress.