This will be a series of Journal Updates until the final

Thursday, October 28, 2021

The updated spreadsheet below now has column called priority. 1 would be outmost priority. 99 would mean the least priority.

This is the link to the spreadsheet.

At the moment, the two biggest questions are:

  1. Will the Zoetrope be effective and actually have the effect we need?
  2. Will the PLDC (the switchable curtain) work the way we would like it to?

These two questions caused us to realter the priority of the list. We also replaced the DC motor with a servo motor.

What we have done so far?

We were able to create a strobe light and the circuit for it
This just a white LED for now

What we hope to do next?

By Tuesday we would hopefully have the cuts done for a simple Zoetrope animation. There could be a chance that we would have a stepper motor that would allow the thing to turn as well.

Rough Draft.

Very Rough Sketch of what we have

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Bill of materials for Robotics for Creative Practice. Please note that the