Source code for rcp.QtConfig

"""PyQt5 widgets to create configuration fields and forms.

# Written in 2018-2019 by Garth Zeglin <>

# To the extent possible under law, the author has dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.

# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along with this software.
# If not, see <>.

# standard Python libraries
import os, logging

# for documentation on the PyQt5 API, see
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets

# set up logger for module
log = logging.getLogger('QtConfig')

# filter out most logging; the default is NOTSET which passes along everything

[docs]class QtConfigForm(QtWidgets.QWidget): """Composite widget to display a form of user-configuration entries.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.fields = list() self._grid = QtWidgets.QGridLayout() self.setLayout(self._grid) return
[docs] def addField(self, prompt, widget): """Add a row to the configuration form. :param prompt: string of text to display on the left :param widget: a widget to both display status and receive and validate input """ row = len(self.fields) label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setText(prompt) self._grid.addWidget(label, row, 0, 1, 1) self._grid.addWidget(widget, row, 1, 1, 1) self._grid.setRowStretch(row, 0) self.fields.append((label, widget)) # keep adding a dummy widget at bottom to absorb vertical stretch self._grid.addWidget(QtWidgets.QWidget(), row+1, 0, 1, 1) self._grid.setRowStretch(row+1, 1) return
[docs]class QtConfigText(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): """Composite widget enabling a user to configure an field of unvalidated text. :param callback: function called with argument (string) :param value: initial string, defaults to None which shows as blank """ def __init__(self, callback, value=None): super().__init__() self.callback = callback self.value = value self.setText(value if value is not None else "") self.returnPressed.connect(self.validate_input) return
[docs] def validate_input(self): """Called when the user finishes entering text into the line editor.""" self.callback(self.text()) return
[docs]class QtConfigOSCPort(QtWidgets.QLineEdit): """Composite widget enabling a user to configure an address:portnum field. :param callback: function called with arguments (address-string, port-integer) :param address: host address string, defaults to 'localhost' :param portnum: UDP port integer, defaults to 3761 """ def __init__(self, callback=None, address='localhost', portnum=3761): super().__init__() self.callback = callback self.address = address self.portnum = portnum self.setText("%s:%d" % (address, portnum)) self.returnPressed.connect(self.validate_input) return
[docs] def set_OSC_port(self, address, portnum): """Set the network address and port display as if entered, validating the result and applying the callback.""" log.debug("OSC address configured to %s:%d", address, portnum) self.setText("%s:%d" % (address, portnum)) self.validate_input()
def get_OSC_port(self): return self.address, self.portnum
[docs] def validate_input(self): """Called when the user finishes entering text into the line editor.""" name = self.text() if ':' in name: self.address, port = name.split(':', 1) portnum = int(port) if portnum >= 2048 and portnum < 65536: self.portnum = portnum else: self.address = name # normalize the text field self.setText('%s:%d' % (self.address, self.portnum)) if self.callback is not None: self.callback(self.address, self.portnum) return
[docs]class QtConfigComboBox(QtWidgets.QComboBox): """Composite widget enabling a user to select an item from a drop down list. :param callback: function called with argument (string) :param default: name of initial selection, defaults to '<no selection>' """ def __init__(self, callback=None, default='<no selection>'): super().__init__() self.callback = callback self.default = default if self.default is not None: self.addItem(self.default) self.activated['QString'].connect(self._choose_item) return def set_items(self, names): self.clear() if self.default is not None: self.addItem(self.default) for name in names: self.addItem(name) return def _choose_item(self, name): """Called when the user selects an item name.""" if self.callback is not None: self.callback(name) return
[docs] def select_item(self, name): """Called to programmatically select an item; updates the display and applies the callback.""" self.setCurrentText(name) self._choose_item(name)
def current_item(self): return self.currentText()
[docs]class QtConfigFileButtons(QtWidgets.QWidget): """Composite widget with buttons to control loading and saving a configuration file.""" def __init__(self, delegate=None, path=None, extension = "config"): super().__init__() self.delegate = delegate self.path = path self.extension = extension self._layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() self.loadButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton() self.loadButton.setText("Load") self.reloadButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton() self.reloadButton.setText("Reload") self.saveButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton() self.saveButton.setText("Save") self.saveAsButton = QtWidgets.QPushButton() self.saveAsButton.setText("Save As...") self.loadButton.pressed.connect(self._load_pressed) self.reloadButton.pressed.connect(self._reload_pressed) self.saveButton.pressed.connect(self._save_pressed) self.saveAsButton.pressed.connect(self._saveas_pressed) self._layout.addWidget(self.loadButton) self._layout.addWidget(self.reloadButton) self._layout.addWidget(self.saveButton) self._layout.addWidget(self.saveAsButton) self.setLayout(self._layout) return # ---- button signal callbacks ----------------------------------------------------- def _load_pressed(self): # open a modeless file open dialog for the user to select a configuration file to load folder = os.path.dirname(self.path) if self.path is not None else '.' self.load_dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(parent=self, caption='Choose file', directory=folder, filter="*." + self.extension) self.load_dialog.fileSelected.connect(self._load_selected) if self.path is not None: self.load_dialog.selectFile(self.path) return def _reload_pressed(self): if self.delegate is not None: self.delegate.load_configuration() def _save_pressed(self): if self.delegate is not None: self.delegate.save_configuration() def _saveas_pressed(self): # open a modeless file save dialog for the user to select a path in which to save a configuration file folder = os.path.dirname(self.path) if self.path is not None else '.' self.save_dialog = QtWidgets.QFileDialog(parent=self, caption='Save configuration as...', directory=folder, filter="*." + self.extension) self.save_dialog.setAcceptMode(QtWidgets.QFileDialog.AcceptSave) self.save_dialog.fileSelected.connect(self._save_selected) if self.path is not None: self.save_dialog.selectFile(self.path) return # ---- dialog signal callbacks ----------------------------------------------------- def _load_selected(self, path): log.debug("configuration load selected: %s", path) self.path = path if self.delegate is not None: self.delegate.load_configuration(self.path) self.load_dialog.destroy() self.load_dialog = None def _save_selected(self, path): log.debug("configuration 'save as' selected: %s", path) basename, extension = os.path.splitext(path) self.path = basename + '.' + self.extension if self.delegate is not None: self.delegate.save_configuration(self.path) self.save_dialog.destroy() self.save_dialog = None