Day 12: (Thu Oct 5, Week 6) Impeller Test Development

Notes for 2023-10-05.

Notes from Day 11

Some of the noted ideas from the previous design discussion:

  • try 1/4 inch steel balls as a media

  • try impeller actuation using overlapping diameters

  • consider a vertical stacking of horizontal playfields

  • consider integrating balloons and air flow

  • consider integration of reflective materials

  • develop visual surface treatment

Some somewhat wider ranging ideas:

  • develop a ball recirculation mechanism (e.g. lift)

  • test hidden electromagnet actuation

  • consider table tilt effects

New Assignments

New assignment, due Tue Oct 10: choose one of the tasks identified below, then document your result using Assignment 8 Posts: Impeller Test Development. Please include a paragraph of text outlining your objectives and result, then augment with code, images, linked CAD files, and linked video as appropriate.

If you need 3D printing for the next assignment, you may submit parts via the current RCP-F23 - General queue. Please also email me so I know to look for it. I’d be happy to answer any questions about using the system, it hasn’t been part of the course yet.


  1. Demonstration of new impeller-test-1 testbed.

  2. Considerations:

    • what kinds of impeller forms will produce expressive effects?

    • what is the gestural language which avoids direct impeller collisions?

    • could there be a ‘semaphore’ pose language?

    • how should the table edge be treated in the short term?

    • how should the surface be treated for visual effect in the short term?

  3. Tasks:

    • design and fabricate four new impellers

    • ball flow engineering

    • balloon integration test

    • develop new animation sequences using simulation

    • lighting design

    • surface treatment

    • revise Arduino motion control firmware (instructor)