Day 11: (Tue Oct 3, Week 6) Common Platform Design

Notes for 2023-10-03.


  1. Review and demonstrate results for Assignment 7 Posts: Maquette.

  2. Review conclusions of common platform discussion from last Thursday. Partial consensus:

    • dynamic material manipulation

    • horizontal array of similar impellers

    • plus some kind of secondary actuation (e.g. fans, mirrors)

    • controlled lighting

    • ambient audience interaction (e.g. camera system)

  3. Discuss quick floor grid sketch.

  4. Pragmatic considerations:

    • modular design

    • material containment

    • motor selection

    • electronics requirements

    • power requirements

    • firmware: low-level motion control

    • controller: Python scripts on Linux

    • structural requirements

    • assembly and access constraints

    • lighting and fans

    • camera options

  5. Design considerations:

    • material: sand, steel, glass, ping-ping balls, balloons etc.

    • array layout: regular, irregular, square, hex, etc.

    • array size, height

    • surface contour, features, material, color

    • iconography




Machine Vision