Day 21: (Thu Nov 16, Week 12) Triptych Choreography

Notes for 2023-11-16.


The first ensemble choreography assignment is due Tuesday, Nov 21:

Choreograph a light and motion performance at least two minutes long, then document your result using Assignment 11 Posts: Triptych Choreography. Please include a paragraph of text outlining your objectives and result, then augment with a linked video and code and data files as appropriate.


The IDeATe 3D printers may be used for the course via the RCP-F23 - General submission queue.

Remaining schedule:

  • Week 12, Nov 14, 16: finalize hardware, test ensemble choreography

  • Week 13, Nov 21: final choreography concepts

  • Week 14: Nov 28, 30: iteration of final performance scripts

  • Week 15: Dec 5, 7: fine-tuning full performance, final review


  1. Comments on programming

  2. Review Assignment 10 Posts: Triptych Development