Day 22: (Tue Nov 21, Week 13) Ensemble Choreography

Notes for 2023-11-21.


We are well past the point we need a committed, final system in order to work on final performances.

But as a final deadline: you have until 2PM on Tuesday Nov 28 to be completely finished with your kinetic sculptural contributions. Anything deemed incomplete will be removed and dropped from the performance.


Remaining schedule:

  • Week 12, Nov 14, 16: finalize hardware, test ensemble choreography

  • Week 13, Nov 21: final choreography concepts

  • Week 14: Nov 28, 30: iteration of final performance scripts

  • Week 15: Dec 5, 7: fine-tuning full performance, final review

The IDeATe 3D printers may be used for the course via the RCP-F23 - General submission queue.


  1. Review Assignment 11 Posts: Triptych Choreography

  2. Some common decisions:

    • final motor layout

    • elevated vs floor

    • final lighting layout

    • backdrop placement

  3. Discussion:

    • Each person will be expected to program a show between 3 and 10 minutes long.

    • What is your performance concept?

    • The final show will be delivered as a script to run one iteration of the show.

    • What is your technical approach?