Day 23: (Tue Nov 28, Week 14) Choreography Concepts

Notes for 2023-11-28.


Due Thu Nov 30: please revise your results from Assignment 11 Posts: Triptych Choreography and be prepared to perform live during class. It is highly recommended that you create a replayable script or timeline for automated performance, that will be required for the final result.


The final deadline for kinetic sculptural contributions was 2PM on Tuesday Nov 28. Anything deemed incomplete will be removed and dropped from the performance.

Remaining schedule:

  • Week 12, Nov 14, 16: finalize hardware, test ensemble choreography

  • Week 13, Nov 21: final choreography concepts

  • Week 14: Nov 28, 30: iteration of final performance scripts

  • Week 15: Dec 5, 7: fine-tuning full performance, final review


  1. Review any additions to Assignment 11 Posts: Triptych Choreography.

  2. Review layout decisions:

    • final motor layout

    • elevated vs floor

    • final lighting layout

    • backdrop placement

  3. Discussion:

    • Each person will be expected to program a show between 3 and 10 minutes long.

    • What is your performance concept?

    • The final show will be delivered as a script to run one iteration of the show.

    • What is your technical approach?