Exercise: Maquette

A maquette is a preliminary model used for exploring a sculptural idea. For this exercise, I would like you to create and perform a kinetic maquette exploring some aspect of performance using the common robotic performance infrastructure.

At this point, our overall machine approach is only resolved in the broadest terms. The next stage of refinement involves exploring the kinetic potential of forms deployed within the overall system.

The specifics will vary considerably based on the overall system design. Some examples follow.

Learning Objectives

  1. Identify an opportunity for kinetic expression within a performance system.

  2. Design and fabricate a kinetic maquette.

  3. Practice and document a brief physical kinetic performance.


By definition the maquette is a model with a specific purpose. For large sculptures it may also be constructed at reduced scale. The materials may be chosen pragmatically if the specifics are not with the scope of the inquiry.

With that in mind: cardboard, craft paper, tape, and glue are all potential materials. With these media, joints can be formed from cardboard creases, pins, paperclips.

A maquette may also incorporate ‘found objects’ and ‘ready-mades’, i.e. things you already possess.

It is also possible to design laser-cuttable forms using any of our normal materials, e.g. plywood, cardboard, Yupo, acrylic, etc. The IDeATe 3D printer system is also available.


Here is a recommended approach for developing a short performance.

  • Please first experiment with your device or object with an open mind to see what kind of surprising or evocative movements it can create.

  • Try to identify several characteristic movements or gestures.

  • Improvise stringing short sequences of gestures together with pauses to create longer phrases.

  • Practice several phrases together multiple times until you can confidently produce a short performance.

  • Record as video in a single take.


  • Please be prepared to show the maquette and provide a live performance in class.

  • Please record a short video of a performance (less than one minute) post to the blog.