Category: GalleryPage 10 of 14

Student submissions documenting exercises, projects, and other assignments.

Assignment 7: Elise

Apologies for massive photos, for some reason my “tiles” section is not available in this wordpress site and gallery doesn’t want to open up the image bigger. This…

Assignment 7: Rebecca JL

The first piece I created was centered about movement around something that is stagnant. I created an oval in the middle to see how the air fills around…

Assignment 7: Anishwar

This first pneumatic is meant to emphasize the feeling of tension and frustration. A folded piece of paper is taped to the pneumatic and clenches dramatically when the…

Assignment 7 – Elle

This assigment was, quite honestly extremely frustrating. I kept on having issues with the heat sealing, and then when something would finally work, a seam would split or…

Assignment 7: Rebecca Kim

This form resembles a grimace, and the emotion is slightly alleviated by the delicate blue lace. The movement is overpowering, however, and the jagged twitches of the pneumatic…

Assignment 7: Yael

I was interested in exploring various levels of explicitly human behavior. Of the three attempts I made, they slowly became more and more human with each iteration. I…

Assignment 7: Celia 🤠

Synopsis For this assignment I was inspired by the air movement that allows the plastic to inflate and take shape. To me it was one thing to watch…

Assignment 7: Helen

The first pneumatic devie reminds me of an evil carpet and a digestor. I used blue lace to create subtle ruffles on the pneumatic device. I wanted to…

Assignment 1: Reflection on Feeling at Home – Kanvi

The blog post, Feeling at Home: Between Human and AI, approaches and addresses questions that many of us may have thought before in a unique manner. “LAUREN” performs…

Assignment 6 – Elise, Kanvi, Elle

Idea: We wanted to transmit hand movement in the form of waving and giving a hand-shake. One person would initiate the movement with the circuit playground attached to…