Month: February 2021Page 5 of 6

Assignment 1: Reflection Marisa Gomez

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Assignment 1 – Reflections on LAUREN

In LAUREN, artist Lauren McCarthy, quite literally, watches over you. Through installing door locks, light switches, and cameras, that she controls remotely, she is a human Alexa. Of…

Assignment 1: Telepresence Art Response

Eduardo Kac, in “Telepresence Art,” provides a lot of commentary about the relationship between media (defined as television, telephones, or any system that transmits information) and media consumers….

Assignment 2: Research and Reflection

Due: Tue, Feb 9, 10:30AM In the first phase of the course we will be reviewing readings and video related to the major course themes: telepresence, presence, absence,…

Class 2: Presence and Absence

Thu Feb 4, 2021, 10:30AM to 12:20PM (Zoom) Today’s class is primarily devoted to discussion. Warm-up Brief check-in. Warm-up exercise: entrainment and synchrony. Any questions? Administrative Office hours…

Assignment One: Response to Affective Haptics Article

Delving into the world of affective haptics, or the study of the relationship between physical touch and human emotions and responses, can make one feel as if they…

Assignment 1_Telepresence Art_Reflection

In this paper, Eduardo Kac discusses telepresence as an innovative and unique kind of communicative experience that raises questions about and opens up the possibility of the form…

Assignment 1: Reflection on Lauren McCarthy

Lauren McCarthy’s project LAUREN is a unique investigation into how letting telepresence devices surveil and control people in their homes affects their interactions and behaviors. Having a presence…

Assignment 1: Affective Haptics Reflection

Reflection on Affective Haptics: Current Research and Future Directions The emerging field of Affective Haptics, as detailed in this paper, holds a lot of potential in the human-computer…

Assignment 1: Reading and Reflection

Due: Thu, Feb 4, 10:30AM In the first phase of the course we will review readings and video related to the major course themes: telepresence, presence, absence, and…