Hand Sewing Samples

This assignment was a lot of fun for me, mostly because my experience with hand-sewing has been putting buttons back onto shirts. I’ve never learned these different type of stitches so I’m super happy to have been able to work at this skill.

As can obviously be seen, I have a long way to go before I master any of these stitches. I struggled at first with making knots big enough on the ends of the threads but practice really did make a difference there. Also, making evenly sized stitches was difficult but I made progress on that as I went.

Hobby Servos

I didn’t have too much trouble with the hobby servo circuit or code because I’ve had quite bit of experience with electronics like this.

Actuating the syringe pump was cool – it was nice to see electricity do the mechanical work of filling and pumping the syringe instead of me.

As for the actuating fabric, I was trying to make something different, making use of gravity. I didn’t get to adding more pieces of fabric or using any of my sewing skills, but I would add in fringes of fabric to hang from this project to give it dimension.