Thurs. Apr. 1, 2021, 10:30AM to 12:20PM (Zoom)

Today’s class is primarily devoted to discussion and review.


  • Brief check-in.
  • Any questions?


In-Class Activities

More precedent work (see below).

Anyone have any particular updates they would like to share with the class?

Individual group breakout sessions. Garth and Olivia will move from group to group to consult.

Assignment 17

The final deadline has been extended to Thursday, April 8 (Day 19).

The last intermediate milestone is to integrate the MQTT connection. The previous milestone was to explore the space of movements and develop a motion vocabulary, so the next logical step is to connect these to remote sensor data.

One opportunity to explore is abstracting the type of data which is communicated. The simplest solution may be to send sensor data directly to the remote site, but it may or may not be the best signal for controlling the specific mechanism. At one end or the other it may be important to implement some digital transformations to match the properties of the sensor signals to the actuators. Basic examples include detecting events and triggering actions, filtering out transients or noise, or smoothing and slowing changes. Many more elaborate abstractions and transformations are also possible in software.

  • Test your pair of devices using MQTT communication.
  • Record a brief video of the outcome.
  • This is due Tue. April 6 at the beginning of class.



More details on the Keepon mechanism can be found at Carebots Project

Jim Henson

Sarah Sze on Art 21