Concept & Execution
The concept of our project is broken down into two major actions and reactions. The first idea mimics the fact that our professors can be our number one fans as we draw near to end of another year. The second idea centers around how students at times need a break, a rest, and want to be able to slow down the pace that our classes enforce. These two ideas were able to be told by the pace and movements of the marionettes which are based off of Garth and Olivia.
Our idea of marionettes came to life when we thought about telling a story through fabric. We thought the best way to do this was to emote and bring to reality what control looks like. As students many of our decisions are decided by others: our advisors, professors, and ultimately our institutions. We wanted students to be in control for once.
In the video we showcase the first idea, where one sensor pad starts the movement and the other increases speed. As time goes on, professors encourage students to push through final exams and projects, so they bring more encouragement and joy to keep us afloat. This increase in speed is due to their increased motivation and their desire to see us succeed. Secondly, the marionettes move at a quickened pace, but at times students need their classes and workload to slow down. We need a break and just time to take a breath. This is very crucial since we are always on the go and this rest would alleviate unneeded stress and worry.

We wanted our movements to be very intentional; we knew the movement of the puppets would serve a great purpose and we wanted to ensure the motors could emote these feelings. With the two settings the professors either quicken in pace or slow down if the students need a break. The sensors allow for users to control the movements easily and be accessible. We decided to enclose the puppets into one stage, to truly see how the puppets take up space in one environment and how their actions look beside each other. As the Garth puppet moves quicker and quicker it travels in great distance towards the back of the box. The Garth puppet seems to be light on its feet, just flying. Whereas the Olivia puppet floats up and down and uses her light and flowy fabric to put on a show for everyone. After combining all of these elements together, we felt we were able to truly echo the presence of Garth and Olivia and explore through telematics what it means for a student to take control!
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