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Assignment 14: Celia, Helen, Elle (AKA Team Pom Pom!) 🤹‍♀️

Today we tested out Helen’s code for our ambient wind chime project, and it was a great success! When Helen shook her microcontroller it was able to transmit…

Assignment 14: Rebecca’s

Here is a video of our design. Currently our design is sensitive to light and sound. If 1 a) The motor will move according to a randomized maximum…

Class 14: Project 1 Refinement

Tue. Mar 23, 2021, 10:30AM to 12:20PM (Zoom) Today’s class is primarily devoted to discussion and brainstorming. Warm-up Brief check-in. Any questions? Announcements Soft Technologies Office Hours: Wednesdays,…

Assignment 13: Project 1 Ideas – Elise and Kanvi

The Idea Imagine a flower that never wilts. Instead, it blooms and then closes up steadily. And then it repeats. It takes on the form of an ever-breathing,…

Assignment 13: Yael and Anishwar

Concept: A grumpy creature that curls in irritation when sound is detected nearby.Make him look like he’s sleeping? So whenever there’s too much noise, he wakes up? The…

Assignment 12: Rebecca K

Mimicking the pattering of rain through LEDs Activated when my partner makes sounds or vibrations that resemble rain, like short quick thumps (for example, the sound of swift…

Assignment 13: Rebeccas

We want to create a doodle machine that creates an image according to the non-sensory inputs throughout the day. This machine is suppose to react to a lack…

Assignment 13: Celia and Helen 🥰

Concept When your partner sits down, stands up, shifts, or spins in their chair, your wind chimes spin and jingle to communicate their ambient presence. If your chimes…

Class 13: Project 1 Ideation

Thurs. Mar 18, 2021, 10:30AM to 12:20PM (Zoom) Today’s class is primarily devoted to discussion and brainstorming. Warm-up Brief check-in. Any questions? Announcements Soft Technologies Office Hours: Wednesdays,…

Assignment 12: Yael

Here are some ideas I came up with: 1. An inflatable heart covered in expressive fabric that inflates and deflates with the person’s heartbeat 2. A draping fabric…