Exercise: Suspension Artifact

For this exercise I would like each group to fabricate a textile artifact which can be kinetically activated using motorized suspension lines and capstan winches. These pieces will be installed in the HL A11 class ‘theater’ and should be conceived within the constraints and context of the space. The combined design builds upon the in-class ‘soft marionette’ exercise and Exercise: Suspension Prototype.

In your exploration, please focus on the movement achievable with your artifact. A good heuristic is that the experience of seeing it should substantially change once it begins to move on lines.


Each group should please:

  1. bring an artifact to class on Tuesday ready to test

  2. post a brief Google Doc to the correct shared folder with the following:

  • one-sentence summary of the concept

  • several photos of the prototype

  • a initial plan for rigging the lines and attachment points


  1. You may choose from among any of our available materials, but the light polyester or jersey are recommended.

  2. Please remember that the motors are not as powerful or fast as your hands.

  3. Please plan for rigging two to four motorized lines.

  4. I expect that rigging the piece will take further experimentation. You may need a static line to help support weight, careful tuning of counterweights, or adjustment of the attachment points. Please keep this in mind as you put together the structure.

  5. In the end, we will also integrate air movement and light, but please focus first on the essential intrinsic motions.