Daniel Rozin
This interaction designer plays with reflections and mirroring and one project that stood out to me is the giant 500 penguin stuffed animals that copy your movement. I am curious to see how this type of interaction can be used in the context of soft robotics. Would it be possible to create a bunch of soft robotic mouths and the more noise there is in the room than the more mouths that are open and moving. Another memorable piece from Rozin is the PomPom Mirror. There are 928 bundles of faux fur while the camera tracks you to push and pull the pompoms.
Alain Haerri
Haerri is able to use flatten aluminum cans to actuate into various waves. This installation redirects light from 576 square panels. This uses arduinos and mini maestros to get each of the movements through servos. Though this iis not in the context of soft robots, I can envision this type of wave affect in a soft robot.

Towards developing product applications of thick origami using the offset panel technique