The next two experiments will focus on testing locomotion with three and four appendages while implementing some of the movement patterns outlined in the attached paper.

Essential Material/Equipment
- Black dye
- Several of the mentioned materials in last class
Joint Bibliography
The main focus of this paper is on an untethered, battery-operated soft robot that can operate in several conditions. However, we focused on the specific details outlined about the actuation on different “appendages” to create two kinds of gaits: undulating and ambulating. The steps outlined in the paper would allow us to replicate those movement patterns with our own models.
Tolley, Michael T., Robert F. Shepherd, Bobak Mosadegh, Kevin C. Galloway, Michael Wehner, Michael Karpelson, Robert J. Wood, and George M. Whitesides. “A Resilient, Untethered Soft Robot.” Soft Robotics 1, no. 3 (September 2014): 213–23.