It’s been a massive inconvenience having been quarantined and barred from campus facilities from the 12th until the 22nd, however we’re hopeful that we can achieve some meaningful result with the molds we have printed.
I took Jina’s design from this morning’s class and turned it into a set of 6 molds, or 3 layers. Below is what the design will look like in silicone form. It is around 6 inches long in total. I had to make tradeoffs between how many channel elements I could include, how much liquid I had available in the repository, and how thick I wanted the layer with the liquid repository to be.

The bottom-most layer contains the two liquid repositories, and is 2.5mm thick. The repositories themselves are 1.5mm deep (I increased the area of the original repositories I was working with by a factor of 1.5). The channels they’re attached to are 1mm deep. This layer also contains the vein-like channels, with ringlets attached to them.

The second layer contains the rectangular channels. A puncture in this layer allows liquid to flow up from the bottom-most layer, into the rectangular channels, which are .25mm deep. This layer is .75mm thick.

The last layer is the ceiling layer. It is placed over the second layer to close off that channel, and is .5mm thick.
Overall, the rectangle is going to be 3.75mm thick, and the amount of material above the two liquid repositories will be 1.25mm.
Below are the 6 molds. Each of them have space for wedges that are 3mm by 4mm by 4mm.