Day 9: (Wed Feb 16, Week 5) Materials and Models

Notes for 2022-02-16.

Notes from Day 8

Based on the Part B: Means and Methods results, it appears we have a natural alignment into four project pairs. Will these work?

New Assignments

  • After review and revision, please submit your mold as a 3D print job to Skylab. Please be sure to note in comment field ‘Please charge to 16-480.’ When it is done, please pick it up, put it in the dissolving bath for a few hours, label it, leave it in HL A5, and email me.

  • New assignment, due Monday: short progress blog post. Please:

    1. meet with your partner

    2. sketch out the next two technical experiments

    3. identify any essential material or equipment purchasing needs

    4. review your joint bibliography, decide what to read closely


  1. Review of candidate silicone materials and accessories.

  2. Quick review of existing pneumatic system.

  3. Mid-class break.

  4. Review of mold models.

  5. Time permitting: pair conversations.