Project 1 – Interactive Vocoder

For this project, I wanted to try something interactive beyond mouse control, so I decided to incorporate data from Leap Motion sensor into a vocoder.

The super handy patch shown above is made by Jules Françoise. Leap Motion sensor can detect data including coordinates of each finger, coordinates of palm, rotation of palm, etc.

The Leap Motion data processing patch is as followed:

I took the y-coordinates (heights) of both index fingers directly, and calculated the 3-D distance between index and middle finger to define a gesture so that when you only have your index finger pointed out, it only encodes the pitch, whereas if you give a high-five, the left hand creates a delay and the right hand encodes feedback intensity.

Here is the main audio processing patch. I combined the vocoder patch from Delicious Max Tutorial, which allows two tones to be defined by two fingers, and the delay+feedback patch we made in class, and had them receive the scaled-down data from the leap motion patch.

The pfft patch is pretty straight-forward:

Here are two demo videos with different types of source audio, enjoy!

Leap Motion patch:

Audio processing main patch:

FFT patch: