Kabruzzo – Project 2: Visualizing with Leap Motion

Since I worked with sound for my first project, I decided to work with visuals for my second project using jit.gen. For the first window “ball”, a sphere is squished and stretched based on the y-coordinate of the left index finger. It squishes when your hand is lower, and stretches when your hand is higher. It is also squished in a different direction when the left hand pinches, like you are pinching the shape. In the window “worm,” the speed at which the shape moves is affected by the left hand making a fist, and the color is affected by the position of the left index finger. In the window “cross 1,” a shape is produced by taking the cross product of vectors used to make a sphere and the vector for the left palm’s velocity. In the window “cross 2,” a shape is produced by taking the cross product of vectors used to make a sphere and the vector for the left index finger’s position as a vector.

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1MX5scjJwJeiTmDW7bo-Gp3MBAOeCZP_J