The initial concept of my project was that people would draw sound. So their pictures would be translated into sound but as my project
jzabala – Project 1 – Time Stretching with Sensors
My project takes in data from two HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensors and using that distance data to change the speed and pitch of a sample.
jzabala-Assignment 4: Spectral Disco
I created a system based on the noise gate patch and the cube patch we created in class. In my child patch, I created
jzabala-Assignment 3: Probably Up
The original signal is a trimmed down version of the song “Probably Up” by Lawrence. The two normal impulse signals I used to convolve
jzabala-Assignment #2: Girl
In this project, I created a time-shifting mechanism where the delay was made randomly as the sound went by with a qmetro object. Before
jzabala – Assignment 1: 4 Seasons
I ran one picture of nature and ran it through the Facebook filters Summer, Spring, Fall, and Winter separately until I saw that the