Collaborators: Sara Frankel + Shambhavi Mishra This project in collaboration with Sara is an audio visualization and manipulation max patch that uses a leap
shambhav- Project 1 – Audio + Colors + Manipulation
For my project, I wanted to create a visual representation of processed audio by associating frequency to pitch to HSL/RGB color values. This audio/color
shambhav-Assignment 3: Convolution with Ringtones + Underwater Gurgles + Car Engines
Original Audio Signal: iPhone xylophone ringtone Balloon popping in Baker iPhone xylophone convolved in Baker Balloon popping in Tepper iPhone xylophone convolved in Tepper
shambhav – Assignment 2: Granular Delay
shambhav: Assignment 1 “Life + Death”
Life and Death dictated by in 200 words: My idea for this project was to use as the ready-made system and