Specifically, this page covers Drill Press, Band Saw, Table Saw, Radial Arm Drill, Sander, Joiner, and Planer
**Specific information about the way to operate these machines has not been included for the purpose of emphasizing the importance of proper training before using each of these machines. Please don’t hurt yourself.**
Drill Press: Used for drilling holes at precise angles and using specialized drill bits
Band saw: Used for cutting irregular or curved shapes out of smaller pieces of wood.
Table Saw: Used for cutting straight or angled long cuts through large pieces of wood.
Radial Arm Drill: Used for multiple drill passes in the same material without movement of the material
Sander: Used for shaving off small amounts of pieces or smoothing rough cuts
Joiner: Used for squaring up edges of wood pieces to prepare them for precise cutting
Planer: Used for flattening faces of wood to prepare them for precise cutting.
Where these exist on campus:
(in order of accessibility in my personal opinion)
- Hunt A30: IDeATe Woodshop
- Doherty C level, east side: ArtFab Woodshop
- Hamerschlag C124: MechE Machine Shop
- CFA A level, north side: Architecture Woodshop
- Porter Hall 27: Industrial Design Studio
- Hamerschlag A108: ECE Shop
- Doherty Hall B211: Chemical Engineering Shop
- Newell-Simon 1401: Robotics Institute Shop
- Purnell 107: Drama Scene Shop
- CUC Basement: Scotch’n’Soda and Robotics Club Shops
*You are required to have proper training for all of these locations. All locations also require monitoring by faculty or trained student monitors during use. Many locations require you to be enrolled in that department, but may allow non-majors to have access if you talk to the faculty in charge.