14 Do Anything You Want Ball
This toy is a soft ball that can bounce and be controlled by kids via an elastic string. Since the ball is around 8 – 10 cm large (w.r.t diameter), children older than 3-year-old can all play with it. It could also potentially be interesting for adults. The idea came from balls that can bounce back, which all children play when they are young. However, I think it would be cooler if the ball can also “print” the shape of their hands and also stick to the wall.
- This “Do Anything You Want Ball” is based on elasticity and plasticity of materials. The string that’s connecting the ball should have strong elasticity such that the ball can be pulled back quickly and children can enjoy playing with the re-bouncing of the ball. However, the round part of the ball should be more plastic such that it can hold the deformation for longer. The design would also greatly depend on how sticky materials are to achieve part of its function.
- There are three ways children can interact with this ball. Children can put their finger through the ring that connects to a string, which connects to the ball. In this way, they can push the ball away, pull it back, and enjoy the fun of bouncing the ball. The ball’s material will also be sticky (not when interacting with hands), which allow children to push the ball to a wall and let it stick to the wall. Lastly, children can print the shape of their hands by simply pressing the ball down! The shape will slowly transform back to the ball, but children can observe their hands.
- The ball would need to have materials that have strong elasticity and low elasticity. All materials need to be soft. Some sparkles could be used to make it more attractive. The toy should be really durable, given that the materials are soft and would not break apart easily. It would also be safe to play with since children cannot swallow it and it does not have sharp edges.