Automatic Retracting Yoyo

Automatic Retracting Yoyo

String Retracting Yoyo Sketch

The automatic retracting yoyo is just like a normal yoyo but it has a special button on the body of the yoyo which automatically rewinds the string when the yoyo dies. A child would play with it like a normal yoyo, simply throw it down and pull it back up or also learn cool yoyo tricks. This toy is intended to remove some of the frustration with learning how to play with a yoyo by removing the most monotonous task of rewinding the string everytime the yoyo dies. The yoyo would be constructed of either durable plastic or aluminum, like most yoyos. Since there are small pieces like the bearings, there is a choking hazard. It is also very durable to withstand the force of being dropped several times while learning to play, so it will hurt if it hits you. Therefore it is targeted for kids 7+.