Doctor’s Diagnosis Tool

Doctor’s Diagnosis Tool

When I was little, I loved to play doctor or hospital with my friends and family. I would always ask my patients to come up with ridiculous symptoms and then  I would just make up a funny sounding word as the diagnosis. I always tried to make my games as realistic as possible, so I would have been fascinated to have some kind of toy that provided real medical terminology to diagnosis my patients with.

Ideally, there would be three or four devices in one set. Each one would correspond to a general area of the body (head, torso, arms, legs). The child would listen to the patient’s complaints, then choose the corresponding tool, hold up the little camera side to the area of pain, and then gently shake the tool.  Using the same kind of technology as a Magic 8 Ball, the tool would then magically come up with a diagnosis for the patient.

I imagine this tool being made of plastic, with a compartment inside for the fluid and cube for diagnoses. I also think there could be some rubber on the handle, similar to the handle of a hammer. This toy would the same shape as the tool used to check inside ears, nose, and mouth during checkups at the real doctor’s office. I think this toy would be best for ages 6 and up. Children at this age could begin to take an interest in medicine and use their imagination to play with patients. This is also the age constraint that was set for actual Magic 8 Balls, so the baseline technology would be safe for the children using this toy.

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