Origami City

Origami City

The Origami City is a complete kit to make a small-scale origami city, with a zoo, lake, skyscrapers, school, cars, and suburban houses.

The kit comes with stacks of specifically colored and sized origami paper for each origami item, stickers designed for each item, a large background sheet to lay the groundwork of the city, and a complete origami instruction booklet to guide the user through how to create each part of their city.


Children and adults alike can simply follow the instructions and create their own parts of the city from the given paper and stickers. They can then lay out their city however they like using the pieces they have created.

This kit’s construction materials mostly consists of various forms of paper. The origami paper will be of the traditional lightweight kind. The guidebook will have laminated pages to encourage durability and the stickers will be made of traditional label and liner paper. The background sheet will be of a soft tarp-like material to reduce creasing and create a stable base for the city.

The Origami City has no small parts besides the individual stickers and the rest of the kit’s materials pose no safety hazards. The Origami City is ideal for children older than 5 whose parents don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars on doll houses or elaborate plastic sets.

By Student 28