Spinning Trampoline

  • My toy is based on the principles of gravity and spring forces. A trampoline is a fairly well known concept and basically operates on the principle of opposing forces to propel the user in the air. My concept was based on a retractable pen mechanism. Each time the user jumps,  the mechanism changes the orientation of the trampoline and it makes a quarter or eighth turn.
  • The child will interact with the toy by standing on the platform and jumping up and down while holding onto the front rail. Since the child turns each time, it allows them to have the freedom of interacting more with their environment, while maintaining a firm grasp on the from rail making the risk for falling much smaller. The solid platform design is also a lot easier to jump on than the uneven surface of other trampolines for kids who are younger/have less coordination.
  • This toy will most likely be made of metal on the rail, frame, and spring for rigidity, but the rest of the toy would probably be made of a reinforced plastic in order to cut down on costs and weight. As mentioned before, the way the toy is constructed is meant as a safer alternative regular trampolines.