Demonstrates the reading of digital and analog pins of an Arduino board
running the StandardFirmata firmware.
To use:
* Using the Arduino software, upload the StandardFirmata example (located
in Examples > Firmata > StandardFirmata) to your Arduino board.
* Run this sketch and look at the list of serial ports printed in the
message area below. Note the index of the port corresponding to your
Arduino board (the numbering starts at 0). (Unless your Arduino board
happens to be at index 0 in the list, the sketch probably won't work.
Stop it and proceed with the instructions.)
* Modify the "arduino = new Arduino(...)" line below, changing the number
in Arduino.list()[0] to the number corresponding to the serial port of
your Arduino board. Alternatively, you can replace Arduino.list()[0]
with the name of the serial port, in double quotes, e.g. "COM5" on Windows
or "/dev/tty.usbmodem621" on Mac.
* Run this sketch. The squares show the values of the digital inputs (HIGH
pins are filled, LOW pins are not). The circles show the values of the
analog inputs (the bigger the circle, the higher the reading on the
corresponding analog input pin). The pins are laid out as if the Arduino
were held with the logo upright (i.e. pin 13 is at the upper left). Note
that the readings from unconnected pins will fluctuate randomly.
For more information, see: http://playground.arduino.cc/Interfacing/Processing
import processing.serial.*;
import cc.arduino.*;
Arduino arduino;
int potPin = 0;
int LEDPin = 6;
void setup() {
size(470, 280);
// Prints out the available serial ports.
// Modify this line, by changing the "0" to the index of the serial
// port corresponding to your Arduino board (as it appears in the list
// printed by the line above).
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[0], 57600);
// Alternatively, use the name of the serial port corresponding to your
// Arduino (in double-quotes), as in the following line.
//arduino = new Arduino(this, "/dev/tty.usbmodem621", 57600);
arduino.pinMode(LEDPin, Arduino.OUTPUT);
void draw() {
// Draw a filled box for each digital pin that's HIGH (5 volts
int potVal = arduino.analogRead(potPin);
//map the values from 0-1023 to 0-255
int mappedVal = (int)map(potVal, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
arduino.analogWrite(LEDPin, mappedVal);
// Draw a circle whose size corresponds to the value of an analog input.
int circleDiameter = arduino.analogRead(potPin) / 16;
ellipse(width/2, height/2, circleDiameter, circleDiameter);