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Complete as many sub-projects as you can, in order, before the next class:
- Draw a circle with a stroke and a fill in the center of the screen
- Draw 200 circles of increasing size and color value in a rectangular grid
- Animate a circle so it chases your cursor, like a ghost chasing after Pac-Man
- Draw three circles with different personalities that chase your cursor
- Build your own copy of or Boomshine
- Animate two shapes with the following script (for inspiration: Heider and Simmel):
- Shapes enter scene
- Shapes begin discussion
- Shapes begin to bicker
- Shapes angrily walk away from each other, leaving the scene
- A Git repo (hosted on GitHub) with a separate folder for each sub-project
- All code for each project, liberally commented
- Screen recordings (video or GIF) of each sub-project