Week 11 Update


This week, programmers and artists focused on implementing some of the features we discussed in previous weeks. Due to some technical issues, we were not able to progress as much as we’d like on getting all the mechanics in. Thus, we will have to postpone the minigame creation until after the next checkpoint. Essentially, programmers focused on feedback UI in the game. They also started adding placeholder sound clips for the game, although the bugs associated with putting it in were not resolved this week. Artists, on the other hand, focused on redrawing the key assets in the store, as well as creating some assets for the feedback UI. Writing for the characters is going along smoothly and the team is talking about possibly adding more characters into the game.


This week, programming focused on improving the feedback UI for the player. However, a lot of the work had to be-implemented due to major merge conflicts with Git. Therefore, programmers could not put in everything they wanted to. Some mechanics implemented include the aforementioned sprite changes to the shelves. Bread on the shelves now visibly depletes as employees sell and increases as employees make more product, still in 25% increments. Some other feedback includes preliminary auditory feedback and visual in the form of employee energy bars. Right now, the bars are programmer art, so when artists finish making the assets for it, they will be replaced. Additionally, the auditory feedback will be accompanied by visual feedback in the coming week. Programmers fixed bugs regarding the employees’ energy bars and now the employee sprites themselves show up in the scene. For the prototype next week, programmers want to polish this feedback UI and fix any lingering bugs with the main components of the game before moving on to the minigame and some additional features.

Programming of the employee energy bars and the visual feedback


Art worked on getting in all visual elements to facilitate playtesting and balancing, assisting the programmers with what they needed for the prototype. Prototype sprites for the employees (Lila, Bruno and Sue) and financial advisor were made. The team polished many current assets, like character icons and everything located in the main game hub. They also started adding assets for the clarity of the UI/UX, raising the quality of its graphic elements. For example, for feedback purposes, whenever bread gets made and bread gets sold, there will be a small “+1” pop up that gives visual confirmation that stock is changing (in case the player does not see it changing in the corners).

The character design for the financial advisor

The visual feedback for when bread is produced and sold

Next Steps

Going into the next week, now that most of the main aspects are finished, we’d like to implement employee dialogue and polish the visual and auditory feedback in the prototype. Once all the back end work is completed, we want to start adjusting the numbers for minimum payments, costs of ingredients, and how much employees are making and selling. Therefore, all the mechanics that we’ve been working on will be visible, especially all the back end work that we just did not previously have the assets for.

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