Capture the Human: November 12 Update

It almost looks like a person!

This week, we’ve started having our first successes. We redid a partially successful take at higher poly count / texture quality, and got the above model. The proportions are definitely still off, but it’s the first take where you can definitely tell that a human was the subject.

We suspected that the software was having some issues doing the humans as a whole, so we are in the process of trying to create a model from a set of photos focusing on a face. We don’t have a finished model yet, but the point clouds that were generated look very promising. You can pretty clearly see the outline of the head!

During this retake, we also ran into some issues with our software. Both of our licenses for Metashape ran out, so we’ve been trying to find replacement software. One contender that we’ve been trying is Meshroom, which you can see in the shot above. Meshroom is completely free (open source), and produces pretty good results for other people, so we decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, it turns out that you need a Cuda-enabled graphics card for it, or else you get results that look like this:

That’s no way to get ahead in life

That’s it for this week! Hopefully our next post will contain some good shots of face models!

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