“LIVE/WORK” by Joy Poulard


LIVE/WORK is a performance installation I created in 2014 examining voyeurism and exhibitionism, domesticity and the societal role of artists. I found and renovated a blighted storefront and converted it into an artist’s live/work studio where I publicly performed for one month behind the glass and via two surveillance-style webcams. These webcams streamed live 24/7 on Justin.tv. A video installation of domestic and artistic ‘chores’ were juxtaposed on four looping television screens placed throughout the space.


Part of the performance was the intentional act of occupying the space itself– from renovating, to decorating, and ultimately living. Audience-performer interaction was blurred by creating an unexpected public spectacle for passersby. The work addressed preconceived notions of the artist’s work, as domestic roles were mocked but also realized. The piece also asks what symbiotic relationships are generated within an artist’s surrounding neighborhood by taking up residence.

Below are selected clips from the video component within the installation.

Vimeo / Joy Leverette – via Iframely

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