Create an acousmatic piece using recorded and/or synthesized sounds.
The piece should be roughly between 5~8 minutes long, featuring no more than 5 sound sources. At least 2 of the sounds need to be recorded by you, specifically for the project.
You may use samples from other resources, such as the BBC Sound Effects Archive, or the Yellowstone National Park Sound Library, or sampled from the internet by yourself.
Please note, when using found code/images/sounds in your own work there are two requirements: 1) Attribution – You must clearly identify where the code/images/sound came from. 2) Transformation – You must significantly transform the materials you are using. You should extend the material, modify it into something new, offer new insight into the concepts underlying the material, etc. Work that uses borrowed code or other materials without significantly transforming those materials will result in a low grade.
Your work will be graded on the following:
- Clearly recorded/sampled/synthesized sound materials
- A clear formal planning guided by the transformation of your sound materials
- The listening “narrative” – this doesn’t have to be in ways of linear storytelling, it can be abstract, non-linear, or any other format of organization across time. The key here is to pay close attention to the listener’s experience: what picture, story or acousmatic perception do you wish to create for the person listening to your work?
- A short (200-400 words) write up documenting the sourcing and treatments of your original sound materials. You will provide information on:
- How did you record/synthesize your sounds
- What sound samples did you use, where from? credit your source(s).
- What manipulations did you do to each of the sounds? why?
- Provide a detailed formal structure of your piece.
After completing the track, you will:
Present your work in class on the scheduled day
Upload your track, original raw sounds, and documents to the Google folder labeled “Project 1” here
I will compile a class playlist (private) once your works are submitted, so we can all listen to everyone’s work. Please let me know if you would rather not have your work uploaded online.