Project Documentation

One-in-one-out: Noise Box
Group Members: Jaime Chu, Craig Morey This is an update from our previous post: One-in-one-out: Conductive Acoustic From our initial experimentation with the conductive rubber we had a couple of findings. Conductive rubber rarely goes back to its original state. Our speakers

One-in-one-out: Noise Box
Group Members: Jaime Chu, Craig Morey This is an update from our previous post: One-in-one-out: Conductive Acoustic From our initial experimentation with the conductive rubber we had a couple of findings. Conductive rubber rarely goes back to its original state. Our speakers
One-in-one-out: Waypoint
The waypoint is a navigational glove that can be used to point to a location. It currently points north but will eventually always point to a certain location. It’s not currently presented as a glove, but the compass will be at
One-in-one-out: Waypoint
The waypoint is a navigational glove that can be used to point to a location. It currently points north but will eventually always point to a certain location. It’s not currently presented as a glove, but the compass will be at
One-in-one-out: “BloomNector”
This project was motivated by the busy “work” culture that exists at CMU. Often, students are bogged down with exams and due dates and tend to forget about their relationship with their friends, siblings, or parents. The BloomNector is designed
One-in-one-out: “BloomNector”
This project was motivated by the busy “work” culture that exists at CMU. Often, students are bogged down with exams and due dates and tend to forget about their relationship with their friends, siblings, or parents. The BloomNector is designed
Sensing Prototype: Collabright
Ninety percent of communication is nonverbal. Though everyday life is full of nonverbal communication such as traffic signals, morning alarms, and even facial expressions, people often find themselves unable to work as a team once they can no longer verbally speak
Sensing Prototype: Collabright
Ninety percent of communication is nonverbal. Though everyday life is full of nonverbal communication such as traffic signals, morning alarms, and even facial expressions, people often find themselves unable to work as a team once they can no longer verbally speak