Student Work

D3b: Portal Cam
Portal Cam is an exploration to bring more community awareness in the CodeLab. In this iteration, I focused on making it more easy to use. Inspired by the Polaroid instant camera, I build a camera case with a button that resembles the shutter

D3b: Portal Cam
Portal Cam is an exploration to bring more community awareness in the CodeLab. In this iteration, I focused on making it more easy to use. Inspired by the Polaroid instant camera, I build a camera case with a button that resembles the shutter
D3a: Portal Cam
The aim of this project is to bring more awareness of community in the CodeLab. CodeLab has a diversity group of graduate students from Computational Design, Emerging Media and Tangible Interaction Design. I designed a camera that takes a picture of
D3a: Portal Cam
The aim of this project is to bring more awareness of community in the CodeLab. CodeLab has a diversity group of graduate students from Computational Design, Emerging Media and Tangible Interaction Design. I designed a camera that takes a picture of

Final Project: Dynamic, Dioramic Exploration of Christmas Over Time
by Rachel Nakamura (rnakamur) and Joseph Paetz (rpaetz) We have created ChristmasViewfinder, an diorama with actualized, moving pieces comparing Christmas as it relates to today’s modern, capitalism-fueled society against its religious origins. We juxtaposed modern Christmas commercials with the religious figures of the

Final Project: Dynamic, Dioramic Exploration of Christmas Over Time
by Rachel Nakamura (rnakamur) and Joseph Paetz (rpaetz) We have created ChristmasViewfinder, an diorama with actualized, moving pieces comparing Christmas as it relates to today’s modern, capitalism-fueled society against its religious origins. We juxtaposed modern Christmas commercials with the religious figures of the

Final Project: Journey Experience
By: Roberto Andaya The Journey Experience is a extension of the Journey Car in a previous project. Its an attempt at trying to get more meaning behind the game and increase player cooperation compared to its previous iteration. To reach

Final Project: Journey Experience
By: Roberto Andaya The Journey Experience is a extension of the Journey Car in a previous project. Its an attempt at trying to get more meaning behind the game and increase player cooperation compared to its previous iteration. To reach

Final Project: Crash Helmet
By Varun Gupta (varung1) and Craig Morey (cmorey) The Crash Helmet is a bike helmet that marks out locations where people have been killed while cycling to the rest of the Pittsburgh community. The helmet currently uses the location of

Final Project: Crash Helmet
By Varun Gupta (varung1) and Craig Morey (cmorey) The Crash Helmet is a bike helmet that marks out locations where people have been killed while cycling to the rest of the Pittsburgh community. The helmet currently uses the location of

Final Project: Telemouths Take 2
Telemouths is an experiment in creating tools to allow for video-game style storytelling in a physical setting. Version 2 attempts to incorporate the beginnings of game logic by automating speech, triggered by a user’s proximity to points of interest.

Final Project: Telemouths Take 2
Telemouths is an experiment in creating tools to allow for video-game style storytelling in a physical setting. Version 2 attempts to incorporate the beginnings of game logic by automating speech, triggered by a user’s proximity to points of interest.

Final Project: Portal Cam
Portal Cam connects different places and different time. It conveys the moment by something physical rather than digital. In this iteration, I established a Wi-Fi connection between two cameras. When the user presses the button on one of the cameras, it

Final Project: Portal Cam
Portal Cam connects different places and different time. It conveys the moment by something physical rather than digital. In this iteration, I established a Wi-Fi connection between two cameras. When the user presses the button on one of the cameras, it

Final Project: Repman
By: Jonathan Dyer, Anatol Liu, Kiran Matharu This project is a second iteration of the project documented here: Repman Part 1 To improve on this project, we did three main things: improved the appearance of the band, created an app, and

Final Project: Repman
By: Jonathan Dyer, Anatol Liu, Kiran Matharu This project is a second iteration of the project documented here: Repman Part 1 To improve on this project, we did three main things: improved the appearance of the band, created an app, and

Final Project – Ideation
Created by Jaime Chu and Robert Rudolph Ideation was inspired by the students in the Physical Computing class in IDeATe. We wanted to create a project that represents all innovation occurring in IDeATe’s basement studios. While we were doing this project,

Final Project – Ideation
Created by Jaime Chu and Robert Rudolph Ideation was inspired by the students in the Physical Computing class in IDeATe. We wanted to create a project that represents all innovation occurring in IDeATe’s basement studios. While we were doing this project,

Wearable: Telemouths
Telemouths is a system which allows an actor to take control of another person’s mouth, effectively turning them into a live puppet. A participant wears the device on their face, obscuring their mouth and preventing them from speaking, while imposing

Wearable: Telemouths
Telemouths is a system which allows an actor to take control of another person’s mouth, effectively turning them into a live puppet. A participant wears the device on their face, obscuring their mouth and preventing them from speaking, while imposing