One-in-one-out: “Resonant Canvas”

Group members: Dan Sakamoto, Susan Zuo

YouTube / Dan Sakamoto – via Iframely

This project sets up a situation through which a pair of participants collaborate to make an invisible space visible. Through the act of drawing together with special pencils, the two participants reveal a hidden embedded audio track, creating a audible dialogue through the act of creating visual art. As the audio responds to the graphite laid by the pencils, the participants’ interaction is poetically recorded in their drawings. In this project, we hope to explore the interactive aspect of a conversation under an unconventional mode of interaction. Upon starting, the participants are given pieces of paper and pencils, which are all connected to an arduino. The arduino then takes in the input from the participants’ drawing and transfer the input to the computer through the serial port. After receiving the data, the computer outputs a random series of words that are mapped to the input. The participants can create a dialogue between them through changing the audio output that’s controlled by their drawing.


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