Posts Tagged 'rnakamur'

Final Project: Dynamic, Dioramic Exploration of Christmas Over Time
by Rachel Nakamura (rnakamur) and Joseph Paetz (rpaetz) We have created ChristmasViewfinder, an diorama with actualized, moving pieces comparing Christmas as it relates to today’s modern, capitalism-fueled society against its religious origins. We juxtaposed modern Christmas commercials with the religious figures of the

Final Project: Dynamic, Dioramic Exploration of Christmas Over Time
by Rachel Nakamura (rnakamur) and Joseph Paetz (rpaetz) We have created ChristmasViewfinder, an diorama with actualized, moving pieces comparing Christmas as it relates to today’s modern, capitalism-fueled society against its religious origins. We juxtaposed modern Christmas commercials with the religious figures of the