Core Components
The Arduino is the tiny computer (microcontroller) we will programming in this course. It also comes with a blue USB cable (not shown) to plug into a laptop in order to program it. We will also power it from the laptop, although it can run independently if provided a suitable power source.
Solderless Breadboard
The solderless breadboard provides a workspace for building circuits. Jumper wires and many components can be inserted directly into the holes. The kit includes one short breadboard.
The color highlights show some of the connected circuit points: each long row is internally tied together, as are each of the short rows. Building a breadboard circuit requires translating the logical connections of a schematic into a physical layout in which all component pins constituting a single electrical node are electrically connected, either via the internal breadboard connections or jumper wires.
Jumper Wires
The jumper wire kit is used to build circuits. The pins can plug either into the Arduino connectors or the breadboard circuit points.
Plastic Box
It’s a 24 oz takeout container to hold everything else, but could also be used as a housing for a project.
5.6K Resistors
These are 5.6K (5600 Ohm) resistors we will use as ‘pull-up’ resistors for switches and photosensors. The green-blue-red-gold color bands indicate the value using the standard resistor code code. Green-blue indicates ‘56’, and red adds two zeros for ‘5600’ ohms. The gold band indicates a +/- 5% tolerance on this value. These are carbon-composition resistors rated at 1/4 Watt dissipation.
270 Ohm Resistors
These are 270 Ohm resistors we will use as ‘dropping’ resistors for LEDs. The red-violet-brown-gold color bands indicate the value using the standard resistor code code. Red-violet indicates ‘27’, and brown adds one zero for ‘270’ ohms. The gold band indicates a +/- 5% tolerance on this value. These are carbon-composition resistors rated at 1/4 Watt dissipation.
Sensing (Input)
Several small switches are provided. This usually need to be connected in a simple circuit with a resistor to produce a change in electrical voltage or current from a mechanical input.
The photoresistor is a simple optical transducer which changes resistance in response to overall light level.
HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Ranger
The ultrasonic ranger is a single-channel sonar which emits short pulses of ultrasonic sound and times the interval until an echo is detected. They can be used for detecting proximity and measuring distance.
Accelerometer Module
The 3-axis ADXL335 accelerometer is an inertial sensor which measures either tilt or acceleration. This module also includes a voltage regulator to reduce a 3-5V supply to a safe supply voltage for the sensor.
The sensor chip on the module is an ADXL335: home page, datasheet.
Note: the pins are included unassembled in the package and must be soldered to the board.
Three-Axis Acceleration & Gyroscope 6 DOF Module
MPU-6000 is the world’s first integrated 6-axis motion processing components, compared to the multi-component program, it eliminats the problem of poor combination of the gyroscope and accelerometer axis, reduces the amount of packaging space. MPU-6000 integrated 3-axis gyroscope, three-axis accelerometer, and containing by second I2C port to connect to other brands of accelerators, magnetic sensors, or other sensors of digital motion processing (DMP: Digital Motion Processor) hardware acceleration engine I2C port in the form of a single data stream, output to the application side complete 9-axis fusion algorithm technology
InvenSense’s motion processing database can handle the complexity of the motion sensing data, reduced motion processing operations load the operating system, and application development architecture of the API.
The angular velocity of the MPU-6000 grid sensing range is ± 250, ± 500, ± 1000 and ± 2000 ° / sec (dps), can be accurately chase Zong fast and slow action, and the user can program-controlled accelerator grid sense The measurement range of ± 2g, ± 4g ± 8g and ± 16g. Product transmission by up to 400kHz I2C or up to 20MHz SPI.
The sensor chip on the module is an MPU6050: datasheet.
This break-out board is comparable to this one sold by sparkfun. Their reference pages include example code and additional references on I2C.
Actuation (Output)
Several LEDs are provided. This must be used with an appropriate resistor to limit the total current.
Micro Servo
The micro servo is a motor with position control. The Arduino can generate a particular control signal indicating the angular position to which the servo should rotate. Internally it has a gearmotor, position sensor, and feedback circuit to reach and hold a target angle.
Transistor Driver Integrated Circuit
The ULN2003 is an integrated circuit with seven output channels capable of driving a motor, speaker or solenoid at higher power levels than the Arduino can itself provide. Speaker
The speaker (half-watt, 8-ohm) can be driven with the ULN2003 to make tones. Wires will need to be soldered to the pads in order to connect to the breadboard.
Pager Motor
The pager motor is a tiny 3V DC motor with an off-center mass which produces a perceptible vibration. It is recommended that you solder wires to the short pins in order to connect to a breadboard.