Category: Final documentation

Talking Scale by Team Figs: Final Documentation

This project consisted of creating a “talking scale” for our client, Justin. This project in particular featured building an assistive device for a client, building off our prior…

Retractable Rain Hood by the Apricots: Final Documentation

For this project we had a client with a physical disability with whom we had to work with to come up with a solution to a problem they…

Automated Umbrella by Team Pomegranates: Final Documentation

Matthew Wagner, Serena Ying, Yuqi (Alice) Zhou for Brenda   1. Introduction For our final project, we were tasked to work with a client to develop a personal…

Kinetic Art Sculpture by Team Avodah: Final Documentation

This project is about creating an assisstive device for somebody with a disability. In this class, we collaborated with disabled people to gain an understanding of not just…

Oven Assist Device by Team Kiwi Pies: Final Documentation

Throughout this course we develop physical and digital creation skills and put them to the test improving people’s quality of life. This team project is an assistive device…