Joystick Actuated TV Remote by The Firs: Final Documentation

1. Introduction: In this project, each group in our class was assigned to work with a client with a physical disability to create a prototype of a product…

Cutting Board by Maples: Final Documentation

For our final project, we interviewed someone who was disabled and designed a device that could help make their life easier. Our client was Jen, someone who had…

Acrylic Pour Painting Platform by Pines: final documentation

Title and introduction For this project, small groups were connected with clients with physical disabilities to collaboratively create an assistive device that aids the client. Our client, Brenda,…

You’ve Got Mail! by the Oaks: Final Documentation

INTRODUCTION As a team, we (Carlos Ortega and Amelia Lopez) worked with Annie Verchick  to develop a gadget suited for her unique needs. Checking mail was always a…

Button Activated Blinds Operator by Team Laurels: Final Documentation

This particular assistive device was developed as the final project for physical computing where 3 students worked closely with our client, Elaine Houston, to create something that would…

Button-Controlled Adjustable Platform by The Yews: Final Documentation

Introduction: For the final project, we met with our client Haleigh Sommers, who lives life in a wheelchair and must place her common devices (phone, Kindle, laptop) on…

Hydration Reminder

  Purpose: An attachable light to a water bottle that reminds you to drink water   Video of the water bottle initially starting in green state, for the…

Interview documentation

Introduction We are a student team working to design, prototype, and build a helpful assistive device for a client with limited mobility. Our client’s name is Elaine. Our…

Firs (Team Amy)

Daniel, Nish, and Kevin are students at Carnegie Mellon University working on a project to build an assistive device for Amy. Amy has a spinal cord injury which…

The Maples Interview Documentation

Introduction The goal for this project is to create an assistive device for a person living with a disability that can hopefully make their daily life easier. James,…

Meeting documentation: The Yews (Sunjana, Vishnu, Jubbies)

A Brief Introduction The purpose of this final project is to build an assistive device for a specific client that will help them in their daily lives. Our…

The Pines meeting documentation

Overview In this meeting, Dani, Erica, and Tate interviewed Brenda to get a better understanding of Brenda’s needs in order to build a useful device for her. Brenda…

Oaks: Interview Documentation

Introduction We are the Oaks! Our goal is to make an assistive device for a person living with a disability, with the hope that it improves their daily…

Thumb Prosthetic

Thumb prosthetic Overview A prosthetic device for congenital trigger thumb that mechanically remaps the fused thumb joint further up the digit, using a flex sensor to sense compression…

Gestural Midi Controller

Overview At last, a way to produce electronic music with physical gestures. Rotate your hand and wiggle a joystick to manipulate sound in four distinct ways.   Process…

Message Box

 Message Box The Message Box is meant to be a more unique, personal, and interactive way to send digital messages to my girlfriend by using a stepper motor…

Digital Refrigerator Inventory: by Sunjana Kulkarni

Project This device keeps track of items in the user’s refrigerator as well as their expiry dates, displaying items that are going to expire in 3 or fewer…

Ultradian Rhythm Visualizer

Overview This clock-adjacent object visualizes my current energy level estimated by the ultradian rhythm.     Process   There are a few main components to my assembly –…

Screen Distance Repellant

A servo-activated can of compressed air quickly teaches you to keep your distance from a monitor. Video in Action: Detail Shots: Use: Overall Process Pictures: In the above…

Automated Medicine Dispenser

The Automated Medicine Dispenser incorporates a wireless charger and phone stand into a single device that allows the user to dispense their medicine bottle upon stopping an alarm….

Mood Box

A box that can display a user’s moods Video Overall Photo Detail Photos   Demonstration Images   Process Images and Review Around the time of ideation and creating…

Washing Machine Signaler

Overview This device tells you when your washing machine is done from two floors away! Short video   Image for scale Featured details How the device works Process…

Bowel Monitor

Bowel Monitor   Description: The Bowel Monitor is a device built to ease the pain of waiting for the bathroom by giving information about who’s using the bathroom,…

Anti-Simp System

This device indicates when the user should reply to messages by taking in the respondent’s average response time and the user’s desired pettiness level, ensuring the user does…

Light Switcher

By: Nicole Yu Overview Description: A remote controlled device that switches the light on and off from anywhere in the room. Device In Motion: Overall Photo: Detail Photos:…

Self-Control Snack Box

Overview This box displays the time that has passed since it was last opened, making it an effective deterrent for continuous snack consumption.   Moving Image   Overall…

Project Two | Minimalist Pomodoro Timer

Overview:   Pomodoro Timer: a studying technique that alternates between periods of work and rest. Periods of work usually last from 30 min – 1 hour, while periods…

Clap-Activated Light Switch

Overview   I created a device that turns a light on and off whenever it hears you clap or snap, so I can turn off my light remotely….

Screentime Watchman

By: Vishnu Raghavan   After a time limit is exceeded, two Servo motors push your computer screen closed, signaling time for a break.       Demo:  …

Double Transducer: The Convoluted Potentiometer (Orientation –> Light)

The most successful Tinkercad circuit we built, for testing and learning the LCD screen and the LiquidCrystal library. See below for our full Tinkercad circuit and why it…

Double Transducer: Position to Color/Light to Vibration

TinkerCad Simulation This simulation helped us plan our physical project. Here we have a potentiometer as the input, an RGB LED and photo-resistor as our middle step, and…

Double Transducer | Distance -> Pressure

  Double Transducer IRL: Daniel Zhu: Sunjana:   TinkerCAD: Final Project Images: Daniel Zhu: Sunjana: Close Up Images Simple Narrative Description: As the distance between the Ultrasonic Distance…

Double Transducer: Vibration to Movement to Sound

Tinkercad Video: Tinkercad does not have a lot of components that are present in the real life version, so there are some fake data simulation. In real life,…

Double Transducer: Pressure –> Light –> Orientation

Double Transducer Images Overall Photos (Jud) (Jun) Detail Photos                   Transducers in Action TinkerCAD Simulation Narrative Description The cardboard stand…

Double Transducer | Light to Orientation

Team Members: Kevin Bender, Nicole Yu Tinkercad: * the potentiometer on the left is representative of the rotary encoder. The DC motor and driver are representative of the…

Double Transducer: Ultrasonic to Rotation to Light Output

Initial Sketches and Block Diagram: For the middle step on our transducer, we were deciding between having a servo drive a potentiometer, having a servo drive a platform…

Double Transducer: Light to Position to Movement

Tinkercad Video The potentiometer in this video is representative of our joystick middle step. Overall photos for proportion and scale Tate   My final version had correct transduction…

Dates Double Transducer: Vibration to Distance

  Images:                     Narrative: A vibrator is attached to a sensor which senses the rate of vibration. Based on…