Maddie Mianzo-Final Project Documentation
I designed a piece in order to create a visual representation of my interpretation of anxiety. I really wanted to showcase the inner feelings and provide a visual to accompany them, since i often find it hard to describe feelings in words. I wanted to create two dresses that were mirror images of each other in order to create this idea of a reflection of the outer appearance that the world gets to see in distinct contrast to the inner demons that we face.
The biggest challenge for me in this was deciding what elements to incorporate and deciding what needed to be the focal point. I really wanted the hearts to stand out on both dresses, so deciding how to display them and how each heart should be portrayed required a lot of thought. I also just wanted to make sure all the details were exactly how I wanted them to look, which greatly increased the amount of time I spent on certain aspects.
Overall, I wanted to provide a visual open to interpretation. Everyone faces their own battles with what is inside of them, so I wanted to use the back with the black darkness feature as an area open to every individual, since no one knows everything inside of themselves, let alone inside of other people.