week 1, August 31

demo: using ball winder to make a cake, double plying yarn, using niddy noddy to wind a hank, figure 8 ties, relax the yarn in water, dry and wind into a ball or yarn butterfly (instructions, how to videos and visual glossary)
watch: Weaving Presentation (mp4 file can be found here)
look at Weaving Samples
overview of Technical Weaving Resources
look at plain weave on rigid heddle loom
identify your loom with tape + name, storing your loom in Studio A
distribute shuttles and reed

homework due on September 5:
1. wind spun yarn into ball using ball winder, double ply the yarn, relax the yarn, wind into butterfly or ball (instructions, how to videos and visual glossary)
2. watch videos below (from Weavers Throughout Time and Place):
Ancient Andean Textiles, 30 minutes
The Last Supper, ca. 1524–6 (design), ca. 1525–28 (woven), Bernard van Orley and Pieter de Pannemaker, 2.5 minutes
The Unicorn Tapestries, 9.5 minutes
Grayson Perry’s The Vanity of Small Differences, 10 minutes
3. complete Basic Hand Sewing samples (all instructional videos can be found here)

homework due on September 7:
1. identify 3-4 meaningful songs by name of the artist and title
2. 6” of weaving (the length includes spread warp)